Growing A Culture Of Evangelism In Your Church


Ripple Effect, as part of the Revitalise Australia suite of programs, is an evangelism program that goes beyond just training people in the ‘how to’, but seeks to shift the evangelistic culture in the church for effective and sustained impact. This program works alongside leaders, a whole church and identifies gifted evangelists in the congregation to drive a new season of fruitfulness, and to better prepare your church to proclaim the gospel to more Australians.

The program is an all-encompassing program, delivered in four distinct parts:

RIPPLE EFFECT WORKSHOPS - Face to face workshops aimed at helping the church to understand their local community, identify opportunities for evangelism and establishing pathways for people becoming Christians.

RIPPLE EFFECT COURSE - Online training for church small groups, with a focus on mobilising the whole church to be more intentional and better equipped to share their faith.
This can also be done as a stand-alone course. To find out more, click here.

RIPPLE EFFECT INCUBATOR - Specialist evangelism coaching for church leaders to train and support the leader to embed relevant ministry systems, culture, metrics and leadership development, and identify and raise up gifted evangelists within the church.

RIPPLE EFFECT COHORTS - Participation in a regular, specialist cohort for gifted evangelists in the church, aimed at developing their gifts and empowering them to lead evangelistic endeavours in their own context.


This course is for you if you want to ‘dive’ into evangelism or just want to dip your toe in the water.

The Ripple Effect is ideal for a church that has a desire to reach their community church but is struggling to know how to reach their community, doesn’t feel equipped to talk about their faith, has seen limited evangelistic growth or doesn’t have a culture of evangelism.

Hear what Jeri has to say about her experience of Ripple Effect.

how will it impact your church and community?

City to City Australia’s Ripple Effect program recognises that training alone is not sufficient for shifting the evangelistic culture of your church. The whole church approach adopted by the Ripple Effect program will see:

  • Every person praying regularly for their friends and family

  • Everyone living a life ‘on mission’ and ready to serve God

  • Every person feeling confident to share their faith

  • A welcoming and evangelistic culture that’s outward facing

  • A greater gospel presence in your local community

  • An excitement about what God might do in your context

This is just the kind of course we have been looking for! Weekly sessions that help us to get Jesus into our everyday conversations. It is easy to digest and culturally relevant. (Love that it is written by Australians!) Quick, doable, everyday ideas – not complex apologetics which you rarely share.
Our playgroup team has found setting aside time each week to pray, learn new skills and share our gospel conversation attempts; not only helps us to love the families we minister to but helps us to grow together, as a team.
— Rachel, Playgroup Coodinator

get in touch

If your church, para-church ministry or denomination wants to know more, get in touch with us today.