Back to work

In a recent survey, TripAdvisor found that almost three out of four Australians (73%) admit to working while on holidays, which is more than double the global average of 33 percent. The survey included 16,000 people from 14 countries, including approximately 1,000 Australians. This doesn't seem too surprising when one thinks about the availability of devices that allow us to stay in touch with our work.

Another interesting survey conducted by Toga Hotels reveal that many Australians also enjoy "smoasting" while on holidays. "Smoasting" is the term given to the practice of uploading photos onto social media, boasting of our holiday destination to our online community. When asked how they would feel about leaving their Wi-Fi devices at home, almost one in two Australians (45 per cent) said they would feel very anxious about arriving at their destination without it.  And forty per cent of Australians admit people spend too much time worrying about their social media posts than actually enjoying their holiday.

It's interesting to reflect on what principles the Scriptures provide us with integrating recreation and leisure with our more serious responsibilities. For instance, the concept of Sabbath, points to the rhythms of life which require necessary rest. Jesus himself provides examples of retreat from the demands of life in his daily practices as well as during seasons of intense activity. The need for rest reminds us of our limitations and the need to find refreshment so that we can be more effective as workers. Much more could be said.

There seems to be a great deal of value in being connected, yet I can't help wondering that we are diminishing the value of "rest" in our lives by never switching off our devices.

Gabriel Lacoba