Fleeting or gripping fears?

Anxious about tomorrow’s board meeting? Scrambling to seal client negotiations? Troubled by workplace relationships? These are only some of the many concerns faced at the workplace on a daily, if not regular basis.

An article published by Forbes outlines five things employees fear most throughout their career: bad boss, ineffective senior leadership, no mentors, did not reach full potential, and job security. While these fears are valid to a certain extent, I wonder if they are initial natural concerns or deep-seated fears.

If they are the latter, it begs the question, “Why am I so afraid? What exactly is my motivation?”

‘Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.’ – Colossians 3:23-24

Paul reminds us that our primary motivation should in fact be to honour Jesus Christ. One might argue that we work to provide for ourselves and family, so the motivation is to supply finances. That is true on the surface level of work, but our entire lives as Christians are subject to Jesus so our work is for His sake. With this mindset, our fears about career goals and fulfilment can be balanced and eventually dissolved into a heart that learns greater trust in God. If anything, we look forward to receive the inheritance spoken about, accepting that these fears are fleeting just like the present age.

What are your fears? Do they control and influence how you go about doing work?