Church as the Body of Christ

Why do you go to church on Sundays? Is it to hear and receive the Word? Is it to make like-minded friends? These things are good in themselves, but if we think about it carefully, our corporate gathering as the people of God is an act of worship, and we learn how to walk with others in their Christian growth, loving and serving them as they do to us! We apply the Word in our relationships because we are not simply individuals who have been saved, but we are those saved into a wider community of God’s family.

In many epistles and the gospels, there are exhortations for us to follow as members of Christ’s body. Let’s have a look at some of them in light of possible situations that we may find ourselves in.

When our brothers and sisters sin, or are deceived by false teaching…

‘Instead speaking the truth in love, we will in all things grow up into him who is the Head, that is, Christ.’ Ephesians 4:15

When our brothers and sisters ask for advice on a decision, or when there is a need to rebuke…

‘Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom, and as you sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs with gratitude in your hearts to God.’ Colossians 3:16

When we see those who are struggling in church…

‘And we urge you, brothers, warn those who are idle, encourage the timid, help the weak, be patient with everyone.’1 Thessalonians 5:14

When Jesus tells us to love with the same sacrificial love he displayed at the cross…

‘My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you.’ John 15:12

Suffice to say, it is not easy to treat fellow brothers and sisters this way because they are fellow sinners! Also, even when we do try, we may genuinely feel that we do not know how to do it right. How can we equip God’s people to put these into action?

A timely event to answer this big question - Side by Side Workshop

Registrations are NOW open for the Dr Ed Welch workshop in July! Dr Ed Welch, an experienced teacher, counsellor and author, will speak on how the gospel informs the way we do friendship and everyday counsel in the church. The plenary sessions will apply the material from his upcoming book 'Side by Side: Walking with others in Wisdom and Love’. Join us to be inspired and equipped to create a culture of Christ-centred growth and care in your church. 


When: Tuesday July 28th 9am - 4pm
Where: The Village Church - 122 Johnson St, Annandale 


When: Wednesday July 29th 9am - 4pm
Where: Werner Brodbeck Hall at The Scot's Church - 

Corner of Collins & Russell Streets, Melbourne 


When: Friday July 31st 9am - 4pm
Where: Queensland Theological College - Sir William MacGregor Drive, St Lucia 

Cost: $75 Earlybird till June 1 // $85 after June 1 // $75 students // $140 married couple (includes lunch)