Preaching Grace to the Heart

The first ever Australian CityLab gathered over 30 people from a range of different ministries in Melbourne on November 10, 2016.

Church pastors and planters, school and sector chaplains, university student workers, workplace evangelists, and theological educators, as well as youth and childrens ministers all converged on St John’s Anglican Church in West Brunswick for an afternoon tackling the challenge of preaching grace to the heart.

We wrestled with the question of how the gospel changes us not merely from the outside or moralistically but deeply and from the inside out.

It was an energising afternoon that utilised a mix of pre-recorded content from a previous CityLab in New York City (featuring Tim Keller), personal testimony from City to City Australia CEO, table-based discussion and interaction with some local Melbourne preachers.

The CityLab is an exciting and distinctive addition to the rich ministry training scene in Melbourne. And we are privileged to be able to make a contribution to improved clarity and more fruitful practice when it comes to bringing the good news of Jesus to bear in people’s lives.

Look out for a series of CityLab events on different aspects of preaching in Melbourne in 2017 — and elsewhere in the not-to-distant future!

Chris Swann
Director of Training