Every Good Endeavour Study Guide Available

The Australian Centre for Faith and Work has developed a study guide based on Timothy Keller's and Katherine Leary Alsdorf's book "Every Good Endeavour".  Each of the twelve chapters are summarised with discussion questions and further thoughts, making the guide ideal for small groups or individual study.

Published in 2012, "Every Good Endeavour" is one of the most important books written on the topic of Work. The main sections cover God's Design for Work, Our Problems with Work and The Gospel and Work, which cover such questions as:

  • What is the purpose for work?
  • How should I think about my work and my particular industry?
  • How can I find meaning in a culture that often exalts anti-Christian values?
  • Can I stay true to my faith and still advance my career?

The Every Good Endeavour Study Guide is now available for free digital download.

(If you would like multiple copies for bulk use, we suggest that you make a donation to City to City Australia to enable us to continue producing further resources such as these. You can make a donation here.)