incubator core (UPDATED)

The Incubator CORE covers what we believe at City to City Australia are the absolute essentials for understanding and building a ministry that will transform leaders, churches, and by God’s grace, their wider communities.

For 2024, the Incubator CORE has been expanded and updated to especially draw on the City to City DNA 3.0 papers.  These papers were produced in 2021/22 and are the final articulation of Tim Keller’s thinking on these important topics.

The Incubator CORE now consists of four separate units, each offered separately.  Each unit is taught over of four full days, over a semester. Taught in cohorts, each unit provides opportunities for peer learning, spiritual formation, and application that combines biblical theology with insights from a range of other disciplines.


  • Tim Keller wrote, “The church’s greatest treasure is the holy gospel of God’s grace to us. Therefore, we must never assume that we can effectively work within the kingdom of God without a firm understanding of the way God operates.”

    The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the A to Z of the Christian life. It is the proclamation of what God has done though Jesus Christ, the good news that, through Christ’s work on our behalf, God rescues sinners and renews creation. It is also the dynamic that enables and empowers ongoing transformation of both people individually and churches as a whole. It must shape the pattern and practice of Christian ministry.

    Drawing especially on the DNA 3.0 papers, the final articulation of Tim Keller’s thinking on these issues, CTCA’s Gospel Theology Incubator focuses on helping leaders understand, experience and apply the implications of the gospel of grace for themselves as well as for ministry amongst God’s church.

    Get more detailed information on Unit 1 here.

  • The Apostle Paul proclaimed the gospel from Jerusalem to Illyricum, in synagogues and marketplaces, to Jews, God-fearers and pagan Gentiles. He intentionally contextualised his message to affirm what was true, challenge what was false, and present Christ as God’s ultimate answer to each culture’s questions and hopes.

    However, contextualisation is no longer just the realm of cross-cultural missions. Late last century, evangelical missiologists such as John Stott, helped us see that faithful contextualisation is an irreplaceable part of gospel mission everywhere, especially when seeking to embody and communicate it to a changing culture and a new generation.

    Drawing particularly on the DNA 3.0 papers, the final articulation of Tim Keller’s thinking on these issues, CTCA’s Contextualising Gospel Ministry Incubator focuses on helping Christian leaders engage with their ministry context reflecting on how we can communicate both faithfully and effectively, as well as crafting forms of ministry which are intelligible to our community.

    Get more detailed information on Unit 2 here.

  • Coming 2024

  • Coming 2024

Dates and Locations

The Incubator CORE program (Unit 1) will be delivered in the following locations. Click on the location for more details:


$500 for a single registration

Registrations of two or more from the same church/organisation are eligible for discounts as below:

  • $450 for 2 registrations

  • $400 for 3 registrations

If you want to register for over 3 people, write to us:

To sign up for Incubator CORE Unit 1 - Dynamics of Gospel Renewal, click below:

To express interest in having an Incubator CORE in your region, email us at