
Sarah reflects on Gotham 2014

"Gotham feels to me like spiritual bootcamp. It sometimes feels really tough but you slowly start to see the good impact in your life.

This year has been a year of grappling with deep rooted sin that I was not even conscious of previously. I have journeyed to a place of brokenness, repentance, and prayerfully begging that God would be my all in all.

I no longer want idols in my life to drive my decision-making and behaviour, but instead I want to seek God's will for my life in all circumstances - even when those circumstances include poor health, a frustrating career and broken relationships. These are moments where previously I would have turned to God in anger, and now I want to see them as an opportunity to walk more closely with Him.

I'm thankful that participating in Gotham has allowed me the space to reflect, to hear the Spirit's leading and to sharpen my thinking in the context of a wonderful community of brothers and sisters." 

- Sarah, 2014 Gotham participant