Suzanne Lim 8 September 2015 Gospel How to avoid getting justification right but sanctification wrong - and why it really matters (Part 2 of 2) Suzanne Lim 8 September 2015 Gospel How do we understand sanctification by grace through faith, rather than have an implicit 'Nike view' of growing as a Christian?
Suzanne Lim 4 September 2015 Gospel How to avoid getting justification right but sanctification wrong - and why it really matters (Part 1 of 2) Suzanne Lim 4 September 2015 Gospel Martin Luther famously called it the article the church stands or falls by. Justification by grace through faith is that important.
Suzanne Lim 30 July 2015 Church Renewal A three-fold challenge (Part 2 of 3) Suzanne Lim 30 July 2015 Church Renewal We disobey God because our hearts are set on some other god, an idol, as the supposed source of life and joy.